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Life is too precious not to make it what it should be -

a constant journey of discovery, development and joy.


What inspires you? What brings you joy? When are you in the flow?


If you can lead, motivate and inspire yourself to go only one step further every day, then you can lead, inspire and motivate others and move mountains together.


Invest in yourself! Schedule an appointment.


Coaching, training and workshops are offered in German and English.


Coaching sessions can take place very conveniently via telephone, video call or in a personal meeting.

A coaching session lasts 90 minutes.

Team coaching is agreed upon individually, but is usually half or full day.


The prices for coaching vary and differ depending on whether it is individual coaching, relationship coaching, executive coaching or team coaching.

Since the purpose of coaching is to accompany and support a process, packages of at least 6 to 8 sessions are recommended and offered at special rates.

Of course, individual appointments are also possible.


Not everyone can afford coaching.

Therefore, we offer a limited number of clients per year a reduced coaching price.

If you have questions regarding prices and offers, please don't hesitate to reach out.

Individual offers for consulting, team coaching, training & workshops are available on request.


Business & Life Coaching

Caroline El-Tibi


Nibelungenstr. 158 b

64686 Lautertal


0049 (0)170 / 5 391 745


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