Real change begins within.
Did you know that Beethoven never completely heard his world-famous 9th Symphony?
He finished composing it when he was already deaf.
Where did the inspiration for his music come from?
It must have come from within.
We can only create on the outside what we already have inside.
What is inside you? What do you want to express?
Just like life itself, authenticity and leadership are processes that take place from within.
Therefore an open, honest and courageous encounter with oneself is the challenge and also the chance to change.
Are you ready for an exciting journey of discovery to yourself and your own unimagined potential and resources?

Caroline El-Tibi
Certified Professional Co-active Coach (CPCC)
"To become who we want to be,
we must first accept who we are."
I believe in our unlimited ability to master every challenge of life and our infinite creative potential that seeks to unfold through this process.
What do you want to achieve?
What are you longing for?
What seemingly insurmountable challenges are you facing?
Every challenge is an opportunity.
CHALLENGE2CHANGE Coaching is Leadership Coaching. Self-Mastery is the goal.
You can only lead others successfully if you can lead yourself effectively.
Coaching sessions can be held in German or English language and via telephone,
video call or in a personal meeting.